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432 EME  -  SW1JGW









The Moon. Photo Taken by SW1JGW with Panasonic Lumix FZ30

The Story:

Last summer I made a new friend PE1RDP from The Netherlands.

Arno filled me in on the ultimate DX for a Radio Amateur, THE MOON BOUNCE.

“It is possible to make some qso using JT65B with some Big Guns like HB9Q”,

His words sounded like a science fiction scenario in my ears.

But on 15/11/2008 23:27 UTC, there it was, I made my first reception from the Moon:

As you can imagine I was thrilled, I started reading information about EME techniques, and my mind was completely dedicated to this Dream.

Until the moment IT CAME TRUE.

On 12/12/2008 21:39 UTC, I had my very own EME QSO with Dan de HB9Q:

So what can I say except from many thanks.

First of all, Arno my friend, thank you for your advices and for your help on WSJT7.

Dan thank you, for giving me the pleasure to experience one of the happiest moments on this hobby.

And last but not least SV1AWE  Babis, thank you for the superb antenna and your advices for 432 EME.



















The Future

Is bright of course!!!

For the moment, I will increase the gain of my UHF antenna, from 11 elements to 22.

Thereafter I will put a preamplifier and a filter from DCI to protect it from noise.

I am also planning to put a by pass system with coaxial relays for satellite usage.

A linear amplifier may come in the end but we will see.


The Moon Era has begun.




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This site was last updated 12/31/08